CHANGE LOG OF SNMP4J-Agent-DB ============================= [2024-04-11] v3.7.2 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.7.2 or later) * Added: MOXodusPersistenceProvider.close() to be able to close the provider. * Added: DefaultMOServer deadlock prevent usage in SampleAgent. [2024-04-08] v3.7.1 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.7.1 or later) * Updated: Dependency to SNMP4J-Agent to 3.7.1. [2024-04-02] v3.7.0 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.7.0 or later) * Fixed: Replaced vulnerable Xodus dependency org.apache.commons.commons-compress.1.21 with 1.26.1. * Updated: Dependency to SNMP4J-Agent to 3.7.0. [2023-03-27] v3.6.4 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.6.6 or later) * Updated: Dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.6.6. * Updated: slf4j-nop dependency to 2.0.5. [2022-11-11] v3.6.3 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.6.5 or later) * Updated: Dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.6.5. * Updated: slf4j-nop dependency to 2.0.3. * Improved: Log config of SampleAgent to allow optionally disable any logging (used by unit-tests). [2022-10-08] v3.6.2 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.6.3 or later) * Fixed: Java 9 API compatibility by adding maven.compiler.release option the maven-compiler-plugin. [2022-09-30] v3.6.1 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.6.1 or later) * Fixed: StackOverflow caused by calling MOScalar.setValue in method in MOScalar.getValue through debugging log output code in MOXodusPersistence.afterMOChange. [2022-06-14] v3.6.0 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.6.0 or later) * Updated: Dependencies. Now Xodus 2.0.1 is used. * Added: MOXodusPersistenceProvider.saveDumpAll(..) to save all RandomAccessManagedObjects (optionally including volatile objects) regardless of the currently set SavingStrategy. * Added: MOXodusPersistenceProvider.load(..,boolean includeVolatile) and .save(..,boolean includeVolatile) to be able to generally save and restore volatile objects too (not used by default). * Changed: slf4j-api and -nop version 2.0.0-alpha7 to avoid warning logs about missing static logger binding. Xodus log output can be still activated through its ServiceLoader mechanism though. That is why version 2.x is used instead 1.7.x as required by Xodus 2.0.1. * Improved: MOXodusPersistence.runSynchronization now explicitly closes any opened cursor (Store.openCursor()). [2021-12-31] v3.5.5 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.5.5 or later) * Updated: Dependency to SNMP4J-Agent (now 3.5.5), to add the following improvements. * Improved [AS-28]: Added getter and setter for modifying AgentConfigManager configuration factory and persistence provider. [2021-12-15] v3.5.4 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.5.4 or later) * Improved [AS-26]: Added unit test for use case of resetting configuration to properties. * Fixed: Error handling when config directory (Xodus DB files) not exists, but agent tries to read them (no exception is thrown anymore, but warn log is written). [2021-12-04] v3.5.3 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.5.3 or later) * Fixed [AS-24]: Made sure that authPassword and privPassword hidden columns are null if user is localised. This fixes a regression caused by SFJ-222 that generated wrong keys if users were initially loaded from properties file and localisation key was given. * Improved: Suppressed redundant usmUserChange event processing on USM entries created by UsmMIB itself. * Changed: Re-enabled secret logging in SampleAgent by default. [2021-11-23] v3.5.2 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.5.2 or later) * Updated dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.5.2 (with SNMP4J 3.6.2). [2021-11-16] v3.5.1 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.5.1 or later) * Fixed [AS-23]: USM persistent data using SNMP4J-Agent-DB was not correctly restored for authNoPriv and authPriv users that have been changed using UsmKeyChange method via SNMP (authPriv was only affected if only a single key (auth or priv) was changed. Only DefaultMOTable instances with hidden columns were affected by this bug. * Fixed [AS-22]: Provided jar-with-dependencies for easier JAR usage for non-maven builds. * Fixed [SFJ-244]: Removed secret information (keys and passwords) from any log output. To reactivate output use SNMP4JSettings.setSecretLoggingEnabled(true). * Added: Unit test testing save and restore cycles for primary and hidden columns. * Improved: JavaDoc. [2021-05-27] v3.5.0 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.5.0 or later) * Added SFJ-201: Allow ordering of ManagedObjects for store/restore by priorities using SNMP4J-CONFIG-MIB snmp4jCfgStorageSeqTable. * Updated dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.5.0 (with SNMP4J 3.5.1). [2020-11-14] v3.3.6 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.3.6 or later) * Updated dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.3.6 (with SNMP4J 3.4.4). [2020-09-21] v3.3.5 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.3.5 or later) * Updated dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.3.5 (with SNMP4J 3.4.3). [2020-07-16] v3.3.4 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.3.4 or later) * Updated dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.3.4. * Updated Xodus dependency to 1.3.232. [2020-03-12] v3.3.2 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.3.2 or later) * Updated dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.3.2. [2020-03-12] v3.3.1 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.3.1 or later) * Updated dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.3.1. [2020-03-05] v3.3.0 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.3.0 or later) * Updated Xodus dependency to 1.3.124, SNMP4J-Agent to 3.3.0, and SNMP4J to 3.4.0. * Fixed: TLS configuration in sample agent. [2019-04-18] v3.2.0 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.2.0 or later) * Fixed [SFJ-200]: SNMP4J-Agent-DB persistently stores rows with StorageType volatile. [2019-04-01] v3.1.1 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.1.0 or later) * Fixed SFJ-198: When changes to a MOScalar are saved based on MOChangeEvent, the value is redundantly saved and not always the correct value is restored after restart. [2019-03-13] v3.1.0 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.1.0 or later) * Updated: Adapted 3.1 SNMP4J and SNMP4J-Agent changes. [2018-10-15] v3.0.3 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.0.3 or later) * Updated: Dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.0.3 and SNMP4J 3.0.3 * Fixed [SFJ-185]: SampleAgent of snmp4j-agent-db does not specify its DTLS server role which breaks DTLS handshakes. * Added: TLS fingerprint of SNMP4J DTLS test certificate for integration testing in SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB. [2018-10-07] v3.0.2 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.0.2 or later) * Updated: Dependency to SNMP4J-Agent 3.0.2 * Fixed: Possible NullPointerException while storing MIB data if a new context has been added during agent runtime. * Fixed: Added missing VersionInfo class. * Removed: Obsolete dependencies in SampleAgent to EngineBootsCounterFile. * Added: MOXodusPersistence.isContextLoadable(OctetString) to check if there already exists persistent data for a context. [2018-09-24] v3.0.0 (Requires SNMP4J-Agent v3.0.0 or later) Initial version. Version numbers of this package are coupled to SNMP4J-Agent version numbers and are therefore not continuously increasing. If there is no version of SNMP4J-Agent-DB for a corresponding SNMP4J-Agent version, then the previous SNMP4J-Agent-DB version will although work.